Monday, November 17, 2014

TOTEMS - Just off the Road

We're blessed in this area to benefit from the beautiful art of the Jamestown S'klallam Tribe.  People heading into Sequim on Highway 101 marvel at the amazing totems that adorn the tribe's main complex.  These colorful poles tell the tale of legends long past, but I'm always drawn to the individual faces, which seem to be staring into the past with all-knowing gazes.

This figure seems to be looking down at me, staring right into me.  He has knowledge about things that I can only imagine.  He's not smug, but rather, he's wise.

On the other hand, this figure helps me to know that life isn't to be taken too seriously.  He's obviously got some mischief in mind, and I think that he wishes some mischief for my life as well.  Once in a while it's a good idea to stop and check out these figures, invent stories for them, and let your imagination run wild.

1 comment:

  1. Last two are good. Always like Alaska references....from Albert
